Superman is sicK  

Posted by - Xeno -

Woke up in the morninG, looked upon the gloomy sky, it seemed like going to rain soon.Whole body felt so fluffy. The sickness paralysed the hands and Legs...can't even climbed up from bed. Was trying to shout, expect the very least hope that somebody gonna come and rescue. IronicaLLy, even all the energy had been used which enough to push the lungs out, just to make some voice and noice to gain attention of somebody...but... faiLed.

Eye is opened and lied on bed stiLL...having a long pause..Thought going to die alone in the room without anyone discover until after the corpse become smeLLy.

Strange thought arisen in minD,whether die in hot weather or coLd weather feeL more better?wiLL the corpse smeLL rendered the earth polluted even more severe and worsen the gLobaL warming?

Since no one care...Fall into sleep again...

Wake up...Suffering cold under the duvet.Needed someone to boiL Hot water;Needed someone to cook porridge;Needed someone to prepare the medicine;Needed someone to hug;Needed someone to depend on when the Giant is so fragiLe like a paper...Realise that there were aLL just extravagant imagination.

When the sunset turn the sky to orange and purple..The Giant promise himseLf to survive by any means necessary untiL the day back to his own Land and look upon the sky with the same colour oF sunset again...


That's How it feeLs...EspeciaLLy survive aLL the while by your ownseLf.


DedicateD to aLL the Superman in the worLd.

A new sonG from Jay in his coming new aLbum which I wouLd like to share excLusiveLy with aLL the guy who are fighting in the realistic worLd... For their life,their future, their famiLy...Or shouLd I say this is a song speciaLLy dedicated to our father who is always there try to protect us like a Superman.

No matter what..the guy adhere with the stronG responsibility,Capable and be abLe to bear with aLL the burden on his shouLder... eligibLe to become the SUPERMAN. Only sort of this man be abLe to understand the feeling of this song.

Those boys (only for boys,girls just ignore) who grow untiL so oLd and still taking money from famiLy will never understand about this song. You have no wrong, as I always emphasizing that don't feeL sorry by depending on your family, you have the right and priviledge to fully utilised the resources that can make you stronger. However, you are just simply less charming than the capabLe people Like me.Thanks you very much!

Superman Can't fLy..

(If Superman Can fLy,Can I just have a chance to rest for a second.)
(Look at the whoLe worLd, maybe it makes me feel better.)
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
(Save the worLd makes me feeL tired, However I will still move on.)
(Don't ask whether I cry or dropping my tear before,becoz Superman Cannot Cry.)