Just a word.  

Posted by - Xeno -

Just a word -Tired... After working from morning til night unstoppable 7days a week,consecutively one and half month.

Just a word -Relief... Now can have a good rest at home and start writting the short blog to update myself to everyone who concern about me.

Just a word -Sad... Thought everything already going smooth in U.k, but something happen unexpected.AGAIN!

Just a word -Happy... Coz my parent is coming to uk and visit me this coming summer.

Just a word -Excited... My base in M'sia is properly set up. Will be back in few more months later,and start playing the "dotA" game which belong to me.

Just a word -Arrogant... I will definitely write a book "How to become a Millionaire in 5 years with an empty hand."

Just a word -Actually... Just finish typing a blog with the title "Clarification About Myself", suppose to publish in this month.However, it seems too long, therefore just dump it aside.

Just a word -Sorry... Feel sorry to all my friends,as not trying hard to keep in touch with everyone of you, as well as my family.

Just a word -Unbeatable... Who can only spend £28(RM150) in UK per month?(Rental,eat,transport)Answer...That is only ME..

Just a word -Wondering... Why Jay Chou's new aLbum haven't release yet?Almost all the chinese song can't listen nowadays!

Just a word -Wanted... To replace my super oLd phone with a New iphone 4G in this coming august before going back to M'sia.

Just a word -Bye...