Announcement: Stop Blogging for 1 Month  

Posted by - Xeno -

Things do not go as smooth as i thought and totally beyond my control now,and the dammit laptop's hardware crashed down and blackout in a sudden,rendering my life gloomed with darkness in this morning.It should be more wise to describe in the chinese word- 人生突然变成一片黑暗。

I ain't exaggerate the circumstance.Imagine in U.K,I got no car,not much friends,no more drama,no more dotA,what can I do other than just looking at the wall when come back from work?!?! This is definitely worst than imprison in the jail,more or less you might listen some insane screaming,but in my situation, I hear nonthing at terrible!

Therefore gonna stop blogging for one month until everything solved.I'll be back with more interestinG topic..c ya aLL.

By the way,does this small post considered as blogging for the August one? xD so to justify my own guilty mind which I promised myself one blog for every single month >.<'' haha!Share with everyone an old song which I just discovered that it is so nice!

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