Another J - John Schmidt  

Posted by - Xeno -

Really appreciate to the recent Luck and of course my own ability as well,thought that I might face a critical challenge ever before September arrive,thus gonna stop blogging for couple of months,however,things turned out to be very smooth.Since this is the case,I shall adhere with the faith that "1 Month 1 bloG basic".

Right after listened to the "Love Story Meets Viva La Vida" composed by John Schmidt,I started to fall in love with his composition accent,surfing around his website,thought maybe can download or purchase this piano piece in his web. Quite unfortunate that it was not publishing yet V.V.However,found out that he is actually "happy as he is unsigned by any profitable organization or agent"(Quoted from JohnSchmidt),which has 1st gain my attention towards this oLd man.He really enjoy composing and play the piano very much without possesing the thought of making money.Without copyright you need to pay as well in order to download his music sheet,instead just One USD dollar.Yes!just One dollar you need to pay.

I was so infatuated with every piano clip in his web,clicking one by one,trying to figure out a special piece which could really urge my intensity to turn myself back to the piano room.(Due to the recent workload,I've come to the verge of decision giving up my hobby and choose the reality.)Eventually I found an even more cooL piano sheet than the Love Story,which I guess I shall sacrifice one working day for each week.

However,as usual,Libra vulnerability- paradox-minded comes to play a part to contravene with my determination.All the maths calculation automatically appear in my mind ( 90pounds (1day oFF working) x 4 (1month) =360pouns gone!) and if (360pounds x 12 (1 year)= 4320pounds) and if (4320pounds x 5.8 (msia currency) = RM25056). What The Fxxk!I have to spend RM25k++ in order to learn one sonG ?!?!?! Ridiculous! Considering I work 7 days a week,without any private time I could devote myself to other than just sleep,eat,pee,making shit,shower.How am I going to master this song meanwhile can earn that RM25k!Any idea?!

Anyway,set aside the mathematic calculation,try to watch the song's clip which I found in youtube played by someone else,I had rated him for 5 star.Of course i hope to have my own video clip as well,but with the precondition that I have to relinquish the RM25k++.

Here you go,Ladies and Gentleman - "ALL of Me" .Let me know if it is worth to spend that bunch of money in order to learn this song.

Share with everyone the Piano Piece - Just Right click the link below and press "save as",tht's it~~*